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All about rainwater and water reuse

Today you can find information regarding any topic on the Internet. Nevertheless, these are rarely subject-specific and well-founded and make it difficult for journalist, student or other interested. High quality information are the treasure of knowledge and guide us user to the reputed knowledge portals.

We have created such a treasure of knowledge for the topics rainwater and water reuse with the release of INTEWA Wiki. The specialist of this industriy presents the findings and fundaments from 20 years of experience in the following chapters:

  • Water treatment and greywater recycling
  • Infiltration and retention
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Pumps, processed water and rain water supply units

With dissemination and publication of this valuable and precious knowledge, INTEWA tracks the basic idea of the open source movement as a pioneer in this industry. Know-how about the use of rainwater as well as knownedge about the reuse of the domestic house processwater should be accessable worldwide and for free.

The information is neutral and offers much general and basic knowledge on the subject of rainwater and water reutilization. They represent a valuable resource for all those who deal with these issues - no matter whether amateur, professional or expert.

Practical tips and simple computational examples allows everyone a rough planning and dimensioning of a pump, a rainwater tank as well as a rainwater retention system or a grey water system for his single house or a commercial building.

Visit the knowledge platform and satisfy yourself under INTEWA Wiki.
