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In our video section you will find comprehensive product explanations and image films.

Greywater recycling for the commercial sector

The water that runs off from showers and hand basins is referred to as grey water. Learn about the advantages of integrating a smart greywater recycling system.

Functionality of the Packaged Solution System

Learn in this video how a greywater recycling system from INTEWA is constructed and which components are integrated pre-installed.

House RAINwater source

Use your house as your own water source. Our CEO Oliver Ringelstein shows you in this video how he uses the technologies in his own home.

Completely crazy

Do you also find it totally dumb to flush the toilet with drinking water?

Animals love rainwater

Almost everyone who owns a pet, which is allowed to go out from time to time, knows this. If you have the choice between rainwater and tap water then of course rainwater is the preferred choice.

Greywater recycling for single family house

Do you know that you have your own water source in your house, which can save you up to 50% of your drinking water and waste water costs....


PLURAFIT - A modular filter and chamber kit

With PLURAFIT, countless shaft and filter solutions for water and building services engineering can be put together very cheaply from a few components using the modular principle.

The benefits of the two-part plastic rainwater tank

In this short video we'd like to give you an overview about our two-part plastic rainwater underground tank and it's benefits. Take a look on how you can safe money and valuable water during hot summer days.

AQUALOOP water treatment

The installation kit for water treatment and gray water use in single-family homes and businesses.


Pow­er­ful and en­ergy-ef­fi­cient so­lu­tions for cus­tomers in­ter­ested in rain­wa­ter and grey­wa­ter har­vest­ing.


The removable spring filter, as it is also called, is used to clean and collect rainwater. It is particularly suitable for the many small amounts of downpour that come down over the course of a year.

DRAINMAX tunnel trench

The DRAINMAX tunnel system consits of lightweight, plastic, semi-circular shells with the capacity to buffer and infiltrate stormwater from sealed surfaces into the ground.



AQUALOOP Controller - Menu settings for greywater harvesting

The AQUALOOP controller offers many setting options for different applications. We will show you how to click through it successfully.

RAINMASTER Favorit SC - Initialization

In this short tutorial, we will show you how you can easily reinitialize your RAINMASTER Favorit SC after a malfunction, for example.

RAINMASTER Favorit SC - Parameter settings

In this video we would like to show you how to set up the special parameters 1, 8 and 17 again after an initialization.

Calibration of the RAINMASTER D24

Using the sensor technology installed within the cistern, in this tutorial we will show you how you can recalibrate your RAINMASTER D24.

Assembly instructions for the plastic underground tank

From priming, to gluing and drilling, to the correct screw connection. In this video you will learn everything about the assembly of the two-part plastic underground tank for rainwater harvesting.

Assembly of a UV unit

In this short tutorial we will show you how to easily assemble a UV unit yourself.

Electricity-free drinking water treatment with AQUALOOP Tap

How exactly does the AQUALOOP Tap work and what is it particularly suitable for? In this short video we give you information about our easiest and fastest drinking water production.

Rainwater Infiltration System Installation 

for My Workshop Max Maker Dream Workshop Ep. 5

NSF 350C certification and AQUALOOP

Our AQUALOOP greywater recycling system has NSF 350C certification. But what exactly does that mean? Who or what is NSF and what does this certification entail? We address this topic in this video.

Circular Economy at INTEWA

In this short video, which was made by the ZENIT GmbH, we talk about circular economy aspects in the water business. Reusing different sorts of water, e.g. rainwater or greywater is perfect for establishing a sustainable approach. Have a look of all the possibilities which are already possible with our products and systems.

DGNB Sustainability Challenge

In der Kategorie Innovation hat INTEWA es bis ins Finale geschafft mit seinen dezentralen Produkten und System zur Wasseraufbereitung, -wiederverwendung und -versickerung.

“Auf dem Weg zur autarken Wasserversorgung mit dem Schwerpunkt Grauwasserrecycling.”

Mitschnitt einer Online Präsentation von Oliver Ringelstein.


INTEWA water self sufficient

We want to use the available sources of rainwater, greywater and black water and return excess rainwater to be groundwater reservoir in order to ensure a safe drinking water supply and avoid flooding.