AQUALOOP installation kit
for water treatment for different water qualitiesWhether from surface water, groundwater, effluent water from small sewage treatment plants, commercial wastewater or greywater from the household - AQUALOOP produces germ-free water and achieves bacteriological drinking water quality!* With an AQUALOOP system, you can reduce the water consumption of hotels, campsites, commercial and industrial facilities, public objects and domestic households.
The AQUALOOP system consists of a few components which can be assembled like modular elements according to requirements and is suitable for installation in any storage tank. In the case of water with a high organic load, such as greywater from households, the AQUALOOP pre-filter and the AQUALOOP fillers ensure a continuous improvement of the water quality in the bioreactor. This is done by biodegradation and automatic suction of bottom sediment and floating debris from the bioreactor.
The AQUALOOP membrane station is also mounted in the collection tank. The membrane station includes a platform for mounting the membranes. Filtration, backwash pump, backwash tank and blower connection are integrated. Depending on the required water treatment quantity, an AQUALOOP membrane station can be flexibly equipped with up to six membrane cartridges. If the operating water requirement is higher, several membrane stations can be operated in parallel.
For smaller systems up to 5400 litres per day, each membrane station has a fully automatic system control for regulating and monitoring the pumps and the blower. From a system size of 5400 l/day, the entire treatment process is controlled and monitored via the I-CONNECT greywater control system.
The AQUALOOP MEM membranes are the heart of the water treatment system. The special hollow membrane fibres reliably retain bacteria and viruses. The special construction and arrangement enables a very long service life of up to 10 years with very little maintenance. AQUALOOP water treatment can do without chemical additives, such as harmful chlorine. This is equally positive for the environment and the wallet.
The blower aeration simultaneously fulfils the tasks of membrane cleaning and oxygen supply to the bioreactor. It is also possible to increase the oxygen input with an additional tube diffuser.
The treated water is pumped with the RAINMASTER domestic waterworks to the points of use, such as toilet flushing, washing machine or irrigation.

AQUALOOP direct ultra filtration unit
AQUALOOP-direct is an ultrafiltration unit that presses the raw water into the pressure tank. This contains ultrafiltration membranes that can retain the smallest particles in the water. The very large membrane surface area of 18 m² ensures a long service life and high flow rate.
Questions and answers
The core component of AQUALOOP is ultra and micro filtration. This membrane filtration filters the smallest particles > 0.2 by and thus ensures germ-free, clear water. Dissolved substances are not filtered with the ultra- and microfiltration. However, dissolved substances, such as BOD, for example, are removed during AQUALOOP biological pre-treatment. For the removal of salts, a so-called reverse osmosis can be connected downstream of AQUALOOP.
The AQUALOOP greywater system is designed to treat the water used with optimum economy. The least polluted is the shower and bath water. Normally this water is optimally sufficient to supply the complete toilets with water and to do some garden irrigation. Here AQUALOOP supplies optimal water quality. We advise against connecting the washing machine drain water, as this increases the maintenance effort.
For many commercial greywater recycling or water treatment systems, the installation of AQUALOOP technology pays for itself within a few years. In more and more areas of the world, water recycling is now absolutely necessary for water shortage or supply security reasons.
Many owners of "water recycling systems" report that it is particularly fun to reuse their own greywater or, for example, to treat the free, high-quality rainwater to shower water - understandable, because in this way they make themselves independent of the drinking water supplier, save costs and, quite incidentally, make a significant contribution to protecting the environment.