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Domestic stormwater attenuation

If rainwater cannot or may not be infiltrated on site, attenuation cisterns are now prescribed in many new development areas so as not to overload the existing drainage systems.

The rainwater is cleaned by collecting filters, which can mostly be installed in the cistern. As a attenuation tank, you can choose from our wide range of cisterns. These store the heavy rain events temporarily in order to be able to discharge them afterwards in a throttled manner. As a throttle, our floating hose throttles are available, which always discharge the maximum permitted volume flow. This means that the retention volume can be up to 30% smaller.

Combined attenuation and rainwater harvesting cistern

If you choose a slightly larger cistern, you get a useful volume for rainwater harvesting in addition to the attenuation volume at no great extra cost. The upper volume of the cistern then serves as a retention volume and is repeatedly emptied into the drainage system via the outlet throttle. In the lower volume, the rainwater is stored for later use.

  1. Concrete cistern
  2. Hose throttle
  3. Rainwater inlet
  4. Volume of stormwater retention
  5. Volume of rainwater harvesting

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