NSF 350 Class C Zertifizierung
The INTEWA test system was able to meet all requirements and was thus the first and so far only system to be certified according to "Class C". In contrast to Class R (turbidity 5 NTU, E.coli 14 MPN/100 ml as average values), Class C, for example, may reach a maximum of 2 NTU and 2.2 MPN/100 ml E.coli on average. Class C systems are intended in particular for commercial greywater systems. Overall, the entire INTEWA system series AL-GW300 to AL-GW5400 could be certified according to NSF/ANSI 350-2014.
For larger systems, INTEWA is authorised to issue an NSF declaration of conformity, which entitles the holder to carry the NSF certificate. For this purpose, INTEWA will perform a system-specific verification of compliance with the specifications of the INTEWA NSF report. See the confirmation of the official NSF listing.
| Influent range source water 4 | Requirement effluent NSF/ANSI 350-2014 Class C |
| AQUALOOP effluent Test results NSF approval Class C |
| Test Average | Single Sample Maximum | Result Average | Single Sample Maximum |
BOD5 [mg/l] | 130 – 180 | -- | -- | -- | -- |
CBOD5 [mg/l] | -- | 10 | 25 | 5 | 17 |
TSS [mg/l] | 80-100 | 10 | 30 | 2 | 7,8 |
turbidity [NTU] | 50-100 | 2 | 5 | 0,57 | 3,89 |
E. coli ² | 10² -104 cfu/100ml | 2,2 MPN/100ml | 200 MPN/100ml | 1,0 MPN/100ml | 13,0 MPN/100ml |
pH | 6,5 – 8,0 | 6,0 – 9,0 | NA1 | 7,38 | NA1 |
color | -- | MR ³ | NA | MR ³ | NA |
odor | -- | Non offensive | NA | Non offensive | NA |
oily film and foam | -- | Non-detectable | Non-detectable | Non-detectable | Non-detectable |
1 NA: not applicable
2 alculated as geometric mean.
3 MR: measured and reported only.
4 System for treating bathing and laundry source waters (combined)
The INTEWA system is so far the first and only system in the world to be certified to NSF Standard Class C (type commercial) for commercial plants and also to the British Standard for a spray irrigation system. The test was successfully carried out at the PIA Test Institute for Wastewater for the smallest and thus most difficult plant, the AQUALOOP plant 6 for the most critical application, the "spray application". BS-certified plants must also be equipped with a UV system. The certification can be applied to plants up to 5400 l/day. As the standard only covers plants up to 10 m³, larger plants can be declared as "following "BS 8525-2.