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Newsletter 12/2022


Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023!!

Dear reader,

2022 was a year of many different special events. No sooner did one crisis seem to be under control than the next one appeared at the other end. But these circumstances have not been able to shake us to our foundations.

This year has shown us once again that now is the time for a change towards a future full of sustainable and innovative technologies. The topic of water is becoming increasingly important, as the events of this year have made us particularly aware of this issue. We have made it our mission to work on simple and effective solutions for young and old that also contribute to achieving some of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Our prefabricated complete greywater recycling packages have been finalized and are just waiting to be used in apartment buildings, hotels or other businesses.

We have made further progress on the road to sustainable, decentralized and economical water supply and wastewater disposal by taking our major AIX-NET-WWR project to the next level.

The fact that water can do more than meets the eye was demonstrated this year not only by our underfloor irrigation system, which uses capillary rise to draw water out of the ground, but also by our MULTILOOP shower, which allows employees to shower with the same treated water every time.

You, our customers and business partners, fellow campaigners and friends are at our side on our joint journey to make the world a little better every day. We would like to thank you most sincerely for this.

We wish you, your family and closest friends a wonderful Christmas, peaceful holidays and continued success in the coming year 2023!

Your team from INTEWA


If you have any questions or would like to find out more about our products, we look forward to hearing from you.



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